Thursday, October 20, 2011

Florida Citizens

Is your agent recommending you insure your home with Citizens?  Citizens is an insurance program run by the State of Florida.  The intent of Citizens is to be the last resort for customers who can't find insurance anywhere else.  If you can't find insurance anywhere else the state will always insure you.  The problem is, in the recent past, Citizens has priced their insurance where they are sometimes less expensive then most companies.  Citizens does not have the same expenses as other insurance companies.  Citizens does not have enough money to cover all the people they insure.  All other insurance companies in Florida are required to have resources to pay claims.  If there was a large hurricane Citizens would have to tax the residents of Florida to cover the cost of the losses. I also question if they have enough resources to get to all their insurreds in the case of a large hurricane.  Do they have enough adjusters available to them to see everyone who needs to be seen in a reasonable amount of time?

We encourage you to find a good private company other than citizens to insure your home.  A good independent insurance agent will be able to help you find a policy for your home from a company with both money and resources available to them. has companies that will give you the coverages you need.

Here is a link to an published article that explains what we are talking about.  Click here:

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